Commonly Asked Questions
When is the best time to plan a trip?
Please see the Plan your trip tab, I have broken down each phase of the season and gave examples of baits that could and would be used this should allow you to pick a time of year that fits you best.
How can I pay for my trip?
Balance of the trip is due upon returning to the dock. I accept Cash, PayPal and Venmo.
Where can we purchase our license?
You can purchase your New York fishing license ONLINE HERE.
(NY license is the standard non resident if that applicable to you)
Canadian licenses can be purchased ONLINE HERE
(please ensure you purchase the sport fishing license)
Do we need a Canadian Fishing license?
Some trips will require a Canadian Fishing license, such as the early Canadian season April 20-May 10th. I will let you know in advance if one is needed for your trip. Passports are not needed if we do not land on Canadian soil.
You do not need a passport, but if you have one it would be a good idea to bring it along. (Mechanical Breakdown on the Canadian side or a situation where you need to go ashore in Canada would lend itself to needing a passport.)
If you do not have a Passport that will only change the location of the trip to ensure we don’t end up in Canadian waters.
Do you provide all baits we will need?
All baits that will be needed for the day will be provided all baits are artificial lures only
(we do not use live bait)
Do you provide all the rods and reels?
All premium fishing gear provided to all guests; every trip Temple Fork Outfitters rods paired with Lew’s reels. We take a lot of pride in providing our guests with quality gear. We are very meticulous, and zero corners will be cut when providing his guests with the
highest quality gear on the market. Period.
Where and at what time will we meet?
Each day is a different day. Because of weather and fish activity, the decision of where we launch and at what time will be made the night before your scheduled trip to give us the best opportunity for a successful day on the water. I will reach out to you, or you can contact me after 5pm as by then I will have a good game plan for the next day and the launch location. Call or Text (315)777-3139
What if it rains?
Rain is not a cause to cancel a trip. All weather cancellations are my decision. This is why we ask clients to always have protective gear with you. You can still get wet on the big water even if it isn't raining. Rain does not cancel a trip.
Can I keep a bass?
Our trips are catch and release only. All efforts are made to release every bass caught in the best shape possible to be able to fight another day. We only use artificial baits when fishing for bass. I promote a CPR policy (Catch, Photo & Release!) on All my Smallmouth Bass trips to insure the future of this great fishery.
Do you provide pick up services?
Some arrangements may be able to be made on a case-by-case basis, will also be associated with a small fee.
Where can we purchase the gear and lures we used?
All rods, reels, lures and electronics can be purchased by clicking on the icons under partnerships. This is at the bottom of The Captain